PCT Day 104

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

37 miles

Mile 1962.1

I woke a bit past 4 feeling fantastic from the long nights sleep. After a shot of concentrated Breakfast Essential with coffee, I packed up quickly and was on trail before 5.

As I hiked I enjoyed the morning sunrise through the charred remains of a burnt forest.

As I left the burn area for green woodlands, the mosquitos began their assault. These Oregon mosquitos were aggressive as hell, bombarding my exposed face from all directions. Fortunately, I escaped with my life, but the suckers managed to leave me with a enormous red bump smack in the middle of my forehead.

It’s come to my attention that mosquitos may be the number one threat to mankind, that said, I propose the formation of HAM (Humans Against Mosquitos), whose sole mission will be the complete eradication of these pesky menaces. Let me know if you’d like to join the movement!

Anyways…after passing into Three Sisters Wilderness the rest of my morning was rather itchy, yet beautiful.

I passed countless lakes as I made my way through the lush forest.

The last few miles of the day I passed Sisters Mirror Lake before finding myself in a long meadow with one of the Three Sisters looming ahead of me.

When Spikes and I reached our campground we were forced to immediately throw up our shelters and hop in to hide from the clouds of mosquitos drinking us up. I’m honestly surprised that I have any blood left at this point…

I ate a lonely dinner inside my tent while swatting at the skeeters that had followed me inside. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, sleep came quick and hard.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 104”

  1. We suffered the same onslaught in 2016 – it was terrible – but once into the 3 Sisters they inexplicably disappeared – you’re not so lucky.
    As for HAM (Humans Against Mosquitos) – not sure the fish would be onboard with us.
    Keep on truckin’.

  2. All in to eradicate mosquitoes. I now think their main purpose in life is to attack Austin Davis and others.

    Loved meeting your sister and Pasquale last evening. A lovely gathering to celebrate your granddad’s 80th birthday. It has been years since I have seen your Dad as well. Great evening and fun to talk about your current adventure. I love reading you every day. Never miss. Hugs, linda.

  3. Great seeing you last eve. Starting to plan your stay in Maryland and have put word out to mosquito population. Stay strong and positive. The best is yet to come. Lv u G

  4. You’re on the homeward stretch. Three Sisters and the Bend area is a bit of heaven! Glad you’re making great headway and the light at the end of the tunnel is almost in sight?😀

    • Thanks Ken! I’m almost halfway done…going to turn around and walk back to Mexico once I hit Canada!

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