PCT Day 118

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

35.2 miles

Mile 2360.9

I woke up in time to catch the first rays of predawn light scatter across Sheep Lake. Our day began with an ascent that brought us above the lake, and into the clouds upon catwalks of wind carved ridges.

As we climbed the fog thickened, swirling from distant peaks to lay heavy over the trail ahead of us.

Entering into Norse Peak Wilderness, the gloomy cloud walk persisted for most of the morning, until it suddenly vanished upon turning a corner. Sunshine and green slopes replaced the haze I’d wandered through all morning.

The trail continued around Norse Peak, offering vistas of the rich valley below.

After a brief foray through a badly burned section, I descended towards Government Meadow.

Upon reaching the meadow, I poked around in Mike Urich Shelter before pushing on.

We must have finally hit the sobo bubble, passing over 20 south bounders throughout the day. Their packs still looked new, and loaded with unnecessary gear they’ll eventually send home.

The final hours of the day were spent climbing and descending a series of mountains before reaching our predetermined campground.

Once at camp, I was pleased to find it bug free, meaning we could cowboy camp comfortably. Spikes arrived some 30 minutes after me, and together we dug into our food bags for dinner.


2 thoughts on “PCT Day 118”

  1. Hey Austin,

    Been loving reading your blog! As a Washington native, it’s neat to finally see my home through your eyes. I noticed a prime scenery opportunity that you missed out on though! On your way back south, be sure to take the side trail to Lake Tipsoo, right there at Chinook Pass (hwy 410). It can’t be more than 1/2 mile extra, and the views of Mt Rainier are absolutely amazing from there. I think the PCT stays just east of the crest at that location for some ungodly reason, so you totally miss out on the views if you stick strictly to the trail. Also, if you go around the west side of the peak immediately south of 410, the views are amazing and it reconnects with the PCT on the far side before heading down to Dewey Lake. Enjoy the rest of your journey north!

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