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PCT Day 140

Bushcamp to Snoqualmie Pass

29.5 miles

SoBo mile 259.5

Total mileage 2912.1

By 4 I was on trail hustling to crush the 30 miles to Snoqualmie Pass as early as possible. Airborne slept in, so would meet me in town later that day.

The day started with a ridge walk in the dark before plummeting down into the cloudy valley below.

Walking along the valley floor was easy, but a creek crossing slowed me down where a bridge had been washed out.

From there I began the largest ascent of the day, bringing me up from the valley floor into the mountains above.

Walking along I saw someone packing up their camp and suddenly recognized it to be KP! I hiked the first 500 miles with this guy, but hadn’t seen him in months, so it was great catching up.

Pushing on, I continued to climb, slowly approaching the low hanging clouds masking the mountain ahead of me.

Once I made it to the top of the climb the trail weaved through some trees before depositing me on a ridge line.

From there I turned a corner to find my buddy Stretch! He was the other dude I’d hiked my first 500 miles with. KP, Stretch and I all started out together and received our trail names together. It was crazy seeing both of them within hours of each other!

We hung out for a bit before moving on. As I walked along the cloudy ridge line rain finally began to fall. I can’t complain though, as I’ve been in Washington for over a month now and this is just the second time I’ve had rain…pretty lucky!

The final push into town was cold and wet, but the promise of hot food kept me moving.

When I got into town my first stop was at the Aardvark Express, where I ordered the incredible Hurry Curry. They were out of chicken, so substituted with trout…I wasn’t disappointed. After checking into my room at the Summit Inn, I took a warm shower, laundered my clothes and waited for Airborne to arrive. My buddy Murphy drove down from Seattle to hang with us for the night, so it ended up being a day filled with old friends.

We caught up over beers at the Dru Bru Brewery. It was a solid end to a gorgeous section of trail!


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