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PCT Day 83

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

14.5 miles

Mile 1380

Sleeping in felt incredible! With only 8 miles to hike until Old Station, where the post office wouldn’t open until 11, we had absolutely no reason to rush things.

We finally got moving a bit past 6:30, motivated by the promise of breakfast burritos just a few hours away.

The trail was easy and weather ideal, making for a pleasant stroll into the small community.

About a mile out I received a text from Spikes saying she’d made it to Old Station, and had met a friendly couple who’d offered to take us down the street for breakfast. Pumped on this news, I started jogging down the trail towards town when I saw another bear! I think I scared the little fella, because he moved quick!

A few minutes later I rolled up to Old Station where I found Spikes waiting with her new friend. After introducing myself, we hopped into Stan’s car and shot off down the road towards the cafe. His wife, Donna, had gone for a walk, so we grabbed her on the way.

When we arrived at JJ’s Cafe, we put in our orders while getting to know each other. Stan and Donna were from Washington, on their way to visit their son in San Francisco. They were incredibly kind, Stan even insisted on paying our bill!

After breakfast Spikes and I walked to the gas station next door to grab a small resupply before hopping back into the car with our new friends to be ferried back to Old Station.

By now it was nearly 11, so after thanking Stan and Donna we headed over to the post office so Spikes could collect her boxes. While rummaging through her resupply box she realized her phone was missing…and after searching the few spots it could have been she decided it must of fallen from her pocket while in Stan’s car.

After consulting her mom, Spikes decided she’d be alright hiking the next 40ish miles to the town of Burney where should could buy a replacement. We spent the next hour taking showers, doing laundry and eating ice cream before getting back on trail.

A few miles out we took a side trail to visit the Subway Cave, a neat lava tube just outside Lassen Volcanic National Park.

After a bit of exploring, we knocked out another 4 miles before locating an acceptable campsite.

It had been a sad and stressful day, but despite it all Spikes was in good spirits. We pitched our tents for shelter from the mosquitos before eating dinner and hitting the hay.


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