PCT Day 84

Bushcamp to Burney

31.3 miles

Miles 1411.3

I woke around 4:30, which was later than I’d intended, but having finally pitched my tent I scored an epic night of sleep sheltered from the pesky skeeters. By 5:15 Spikes and I were on our way to Burney, some 30 miles up trail.

The day started with a gorgeous sunrise as we walked a ridge painted with wildflowers scattered among the volcanic rocks.

We traded Lassen Peak, now at our backs, for our first views of Mount Shasta looming off in the distance.

The weather was perfect as we made our way along Hat Creek Rim, enjoying the flat trail as we soaked in green meadows and wildflowers.

A couple hours into our morning we stumbled upon some trail magic! There was a cooler filled with sodas, Powerade and snacks!

After a short break, I set out a bit behind Spikes. Less than a mile later I turned a corner to find two dudes camped out cleaning their rifles. They offered me a beer, which I happily accepted. We chatted as I downed the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, before I thanked them and headed back to the trail.

As the rim walk continued, the day began to heat up, so I was glad when I reach a water cache named Cache 22 where I found Spikes waiting.

We chugged a couple liters and signed the trail register before moving on. The next 13 miles were dry and hot, but the trail was flat so we made excellent time.

By noon we’d already hiked 20 miles. We were trying to make it to Burney before the AT&T store closed at 5, so it was looking good.

The trail finally led us down off the rim into a hot desert plain. The red dusty trail and scraggly sagebrush made it feel like we were back in Southern California.

At Baum Lake we topped off our water before pushing the final miles to Highway 299.

Just moments after arriving at the road a white Expedition pulled up and offered us a ride! What luck! Ten minutes later Spikes was inside the AT&T store getting a new phone, as I nursed another Pale Ale at the pizza joint next door.

Phone bought and beer drunk, we walked over to Anne’s Country Kitchen for some dinner. Spikes ordered a burger, I got some fried chicken and we split a taco salad.

It was delicious. Absolutely stuffed, we walked to the Safeway next door to resupply. After paying for our groceries, we headed over to the Charm Hotel to book a room.

We spent the rest of the evening cleaning up, doing laundry and eating ice cream. Relaxing in the room felt amazing. We were beat from our big day, over 31 miles in just over 10 hours is no joke!


3 thoughts on “PCT Day 84”

  1. Incredible pics, country, and stamina. Very nice guys. If Spikes had flowers or a child instead of food in last pic she looks like a Madonna. So lovely. Think she may need another pint or so of Ben and Jerry’s too. Both of you have a nice rest. Lv u G

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