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AZT Day 19 – Mogollon Rim

Pine to Bushcamp

15.5 miles

Mile 476.1

I spent the morning at the cabin organizing my food for the next section of trail, and getting caught up on my blog.

On my way back to the trail I swung by Early Bird Cafe to grab a breakfast burrito to pack out for dinner. By noon I was back on trail. My mom and dad hiked the first mile or so with me, before saying goodbye.

From Pine the trail climbed about 2000 ft up the Mogollon Rim.

As I worked my way up the trail I enjoyed views of rolling pine forests to the south, and the looming rim to the north.

Around 6:00 PM I made camp near a small creek. Seated on a stump I feasted on the burrito I’d packed out while watching some Game of Thrones.


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