PCT Day 101

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

35 miles

Mile 1874.2

I woke up to a surprisingly chilly morning. After packing up, I set out behind Spikes onto the trail barely visible in the predawn half-light.

Shortly after starting we passed Airborne as he was finishing up breaking down his camp. A few minutes later he’d caught up and we continued on together.

We hiked through a barren forest of lodgepole pines referred to as the Oregon Desert, because water is rather scarce.

Around 8 we reached a massive water cache, where we took a short snack break as we topped off our bottles.

Continuing on, we began our ascent of Mount Thielsen. We took a short break at the saddle with a couple from Florida before heading back down to the creek below.

From there, the trail led us up to its high point in Oregon…a mere 7573 ft. After hiking the Sierra, it felt more like a hill than a mountain.

For lunch, Airborne made a mayonnaise sandwich…

The afternoon flew by as I hiked alone for the final 10 miles through a green tunnel forest.

I reached camp around 5:30, just after Spikes, and just before Airborne. We spent the next hour in conversation as we munched down on dinner, before crashing around 7.


6 thoughts on “PCT Day 101”

  1. Already bashing the relative shallow altitude of the PNW πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

    I picked up a PCT thru-hiker yesterday near Hart’s Pass in northern WA and took him down to Winthrop (about an hour drive)!

    Enjoy the Cascade Crest ☺️

  2. Airborne’s food strategy is certainly unique, but yours is a bit disturbing to a back country gourmet like me. Seems to be working however and the miles you all log are impressive even by PCT through hiker standards. Hope the heat doesn’t get to you before you get to altitude again

    • Everyone seems to have their own food quirks. Just gotta figure out what works best for you! Cheers!

  3. Welcome to our area and the beauty surrounding you as you trek thru Oregon. Great Thielsen picture.

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