PCT Day 145

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

40.8 miles

SoBo mile 443.9

Total mileage 3096.5

A bit past 5:30 I was on trail heading towards Mt. Adams.

My hip was bugging me, effecting my stride in a strange way. I just didn’t have the power I usually felt behind each step, so my pace felt sluggish. I don’t think I ate enough the previous night either, so I wasn’t having a great morning.

Airborne caught up and passed me around 9 as I worked my way methodically around the base of Adams.

The views were great, and the weather perfect, but I couldn’t shake my lethargy.

Around noon I found Airborne resting near the road to Trout Lake, he was disappointed to find the trail magic that had been there on his way north gone. Pushing on, a few minutes later we turned a corner to find the magic!

Two trash cans were chained to a tree near the trail. One was for trash, while the other contained chocolate milk, capri sun, granola bars, fruit snacks and cookies!

This was exactly what I needed. The Abby in Trout Lake had made our day! A thousand calories later we were back at it, feeling prime.

An hour or so later we entered Indian Heaven Wilderness, where I’d been destroyed by mosquitos a month ago, but there weren’t any around this time. Thank god.

We continued crushing miles, ultimately deciding to crank out almost 41 miles for the day. I’d been planning on only doing 30 prior to the trail magic, but the chocolate milk sustained me throughout the day.

There was decent cell signal throughout the day, so I was able to chat with Paige for a bit while walking. She’d just got her plane ticket to visit me over Labor Day in Ashland…which I’m thrilled about!

With only a couple miles left until our campsite for the day I ran into my long lost bud, Sea Biscuit!

It was great catching up with the guy. I arrived at the lake we’d camp at shortly after parting ways.

I ate a TON for dinner, and passed out shortly after absolutely exhausted.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 145”

  1. I remember you ditched your hiking poles a while back which doubled as your duplex tent poles. You were going to use sticks instead to pitch it. Did you change your mind and find new tent poles (i noticed in the last photo). thanks!

    • Hey Wade! So I picked up a pair of 48” carbon fiber poles from zpacks. They’re great…super light. Cheers!

  2. Love following your blog. Crazy daily miles! I notice that everyone you run into at this point has a beard except you. Also, after crushing 30-40 miles every day, you or your clothes look great!! If I did 30+ miles a day, I’d look like a nightmare. Do you bathe in the lakes and streams? Again, I enjoy reading your blog! Hope the fires don’t detour you too much. Take care.

    • Hey Jason! Thanks for reading! I like to shave when I’m in town…seems like most people where the beard as a badge of pride, I just like being clean I suppose. I don’t usually bath in lakes/streams, but I do wash my hands and face at least once a day. Cheers!

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