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PCT Day 148

Cascade Locks to Bushcamp

12.1 miles

SoBo Mile 517.3

Total mileage 3169.9

Absolutely famished, Airborne and I cruised over to Bridgeside Family Dining for breakfast. I ordered the Pacific Crest Omelet and a bowl of yogurt with granola. The food was great…

Feeling better after getting some grub inside of us, we walked down the street to pickup our resupply from the Cascade Country Store. They had an excellent selection of bars, so I went a bit nuts. Neither of us had packed enough food during our previous section, so we made sure to stock up this time. These bigger mileage days have been eating up calories.

I was pretty proud of my resupply until I saw Airborne’s…

Once we’d organized ourselves, we knocked out some phone chores before finally hitting the trail around noon. We weren’t in a huge hurry, as we only planned on hiking as far as it was required to complete the 4200 ft ascent out of Cascade Locks.

The climb wasn’t so bad thanks to a cool breeze and the shade of the trees, but our packs were both crazy heavy from our food, so that was rough.

It was neat seeing this section of trail in the daylight for the first time. When Spikes and I had come through here on our way north it had been during our 24 hour challenge and had been dark. I found there was far more green mixed in with the burnt trees than I’d realized.

Just before 5 we reached the campground we’d planned on staying at. After establishing camp, we tore into our food bags, making a decent sized dent in the weight.


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