PCT Day 166

Mount Shasta to Bushcamp

10.2 miles

Sobo mile 1192.0

Total mileage 3844.6

When I woke in my hotel room I found myself still uncomfortably stuffed from my glutinous binge the previous night. I shot Tony a text letting him know that I was ready when he was to head up to Ash Camp, where the PCT fire closure ends. At 10am he pulled up and I found Airborne sitting in the front seat.

I spent the 45 minute drive catching up with Airborne and discussing Tony’s plans to hike the PCT next year. When we arrived at Ash Camp, I thanked Tony profusely before saying goodbye and starting down the Centipede Gulch trail.

It was 11 by the time I’d got started, and shortly after I ran into two USFS workers doing some trail maintenance. I stopped briefly to thank them before pushing on.

The trail was pretty easy, but my belly was giving me trouble. It seemed the vast amount of food I’d forced upon it the previous day was having its revenge.

By 3pm I was hurting pretty bad. I wanted to make it another 13 miles to a solid water source and campsite, but I just didn’t have it in me. Rather than push on in misery, I opted to call the day early, so I found a flat spot near a dirt road to call home for the night.

P.s. Thanks Jessica for your generous contribution to the beer (protein bar) fund! I’ll be in Tucson in late November, so plan on catching up over a cold one!


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