PCT Day 178

Echo Lake Chalet to Bushcamp

36.4 miles

Sobo mile 1596.7

Total mileage 4249.3

I let myself sleep in a bit since I hadn’t gone to bed until well after 10pm the previous night. By 6am I had packed up and was on my way.

I spent my morning climbing up and away from Tahoe towards Highway 88 and Carson Pass.

When the climb ended, the trail flattened out and things got scenic quick. This had been a frozen tundra last time I’d passed through, so it really was like seeing this section for the first time.

I reached Carson Pass around noon, where I took a short break at the visitor center before making my way around Frog Lake, and up and over Elephants Back Peak.

I spent the afternoon walking a scenic but windy ridge line.

Shortly after entering Mokelumne Wilderness I passed a couple of day hikers who hooked me up with a deli sandwich, so that was rad!

Just as the sun began to set I found an gorgeous campsite situated on a ridge offering a 270 degree view. Unfortunately, it turns out that I’d really really regret choosing that spot to camp…

P.s. As it turns out Paige and I were both on the PCT today! She spent her Saturday doing trail maintenance on a 4 mile section in Southern California near Paradise Cafe. Thanks Paige!


6 thoughts on “PCT Day 178”

  1. Making haste of the entire Southbound so far!
    Great picture of Paige, and your windblown hair.

    Climbing, climbing, climbing…

  2. That silhouette photo sure was a nice place to pee
    ps – Nice shoes Spikes! I just bought Heather the same ones and she’ll get to try them out next weekend on the AZT

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