PCT Day 86

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

30.4 miles

Mile 1455.1

My sad attempt to sleep was made rather miserable by the cold hard ground. Hopefully I can find the hole in my Neo Air tonight to patch it up…

I hit the trail just past 5, behind Spikes who’d left minutes earlier.

It was a slow morning, feeling sluggish and sore from my uncomfortable night.

We spent most of the morning hiking uphill through dense forest, often having to bushwhack our way through the wildly overgrown trail.

The clouds threatened rain all day, but never produced more than a slight drizzle.

In the afternoon the trail became a busy place, passing around ten hikers as we made our way up the trail.

About 7 miles from our campsite we ran into Guardian while filling our bottles at Moose Creek. He schooled me in his bivy and tarp setup, a system I’m considering switching to for the AT.

A couple hours later we arrived at our final destination for the evening. After setting up camp, Spikes and I ate dinner together before I tried repairing my sleeping pad.

I gave it my best shot, but ultimately couldn’t locate the hole. I’ll need to submerse it in water to see where the bubbles come from…until then sleep is going to be rough.

P.s. Happy Fathers Day to my awesome dad! He’s a jet flying, motorcycle riding, certified badass! Cheers to the coolest dude I know!


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