PCT Day 100

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

30.3 miles

Mile 1839.2

I woke up early, jazzed for the hot breakfast waiting us just 12 miles up trail. Spikes and I quickly packed and we’re on our way before 5.

The burned forest was tough to navigate for the first hour due to the blow downs and poor tread.

About the time we crossed into Crater Lake National Park the dead forest ended, turning into lush green woodlands once again.

The final hour flew by. Eventually the trail deposited me onto a paved road that I following into Mazama Village, where the restaurant and store resided.

I beat Spikes to Annie’s Cafe by a few minutes. Once seated I ordered the Pacific Crest Omelet and a coffee, before locating an outlet to charge my phone and power bank.

After breakfast, we headed next door to grab our resupply boxes, as well as a few other items from the camp store, most notably bug repellant.

We spent the next hour organizing our food while enjoying a beer.

By 11 we were back on trail. We walked the three miles up to Rim Village, where we stopped again for ice cream and soda.

The timing of our Crater Lake visit was less than ideal. It was Sunday, so that meant loads of tourists. After snapping a few photos I was eager to vacate the dreadfully busy tourist trap.

The next 7 miles of trail wrapped around the perimeter of Crater Lake, offering epic views as we hiked.

While making our way around the lake we ran into Airborne, a thru hiker who’s attempting to yo-yo the PCT this year. This means that once he gets to Canada, he’ll turn around and walk all the way back to Mexico. Nuts!

He ended up joining Spikes and I for the remainder of the day. Once we arrived at our campsite, we all hung out for a bit before he continued up the trail.

It was a good campsite, mostly because the skeeters didn’t seem to be around. After dinner and some Netflix, we retired to our tents for sleep.

P.s. Spikes and I are approaching our 24 Hour Challenge! Next Monday we’ll hike for 24 hours through the flats of Oregon into Cascade Locks, where we’ll zero for a day before heading into Washington! Shout out to Hobbes for generously sponsoring our challenge. We’re shooting for 70+…so wish us luck!


17 thoughts on “PCT Day 100”

  1. Wow y’all are moving along and how cool you did crater lake. So beautiful. Now I’m thinking you might have already passed us along the Willamette Pass / Odell lake. Was hoping to be on trail with a little magic for you so. I’m not sure if I waited too late to mention it. Seems it all happened quick when you got to Oregon.

    • Oh no! We passed Willamette Pass yesterday morning! I’ve been so busy hiking I got a bit behind on responding to comments so I’m just now seeing this. Darn! That would have been so nice!

  2. Good pic of you and Spikes @ Crater Lake. What a beautiful spot. Does this mean you will walk for 24 hours! Just because or is there a reason🤔
    Still clicking them off. Good job🤗
    Lv u G

  3. Snacks, I am absolutely enthralled with your blog, follow it every day and get anxious when you go off-line. Makes me feel like I’m on the the trip myself with Spikes, my niece. Thanks! Conrad

  4. Don’t break me, bro!

    Seriously, there’s fast hikers, and there’s couples who hike, but not many couples who hike fast together.

    More than happy to provide a small incentive to speed you two along your merry way.

  5. Hi Austin, Paige and Conrad,

    Conrad, I’m just like you, I check the blog every day too and in total admiration of their accomplishments.
    100 days and to be at Crater Lake, one of my most favorite places on the planet.
    Congratulations on making 100 days, if Washington state is just over the horizon, you must be getting close to finishing.
    You are certainly picking up speed, longer daylight hours must help I guess and you must be really in shape by now.

    Thanks for all the great pics Austin and blog,
    Take care out there,


    • Thanks the nice comment John! We’re definitely moving…only a few more days until Washington! Cheers!

  6. Yes it was my bad for not figuring your timing out better and the actually lag in dates of posting. See you have all of us feeling we are with you that we forget the hikes we read are from a few days before.

    Hope Oregon is treating y’all super good and you are enjoying the great weather and sites you’ll see. The. Crater pictures were amazing

  7. Just want to say hey to Spikes who I shared a Zero and a massive hangover with in Burney as i headed SOBO. JD Underhill.

  8. We met Airborne last year on a section JMT hike, definitely a unique individual and hiking superstar, as are you and Spikes.

    Happy to be tagging along with you and enjoying the scenery and cast of characters you encounter.

    Happy Trails!

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