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PCT Day 102

Bushcamp to Shelter Cove

32.4 miles

Mile 1906.6

It was cold when a woke up, but my desire to arrive at Shelter Cover Resort as early as possible overpowered my urge to remain in my warm quilt. I packed up and was walking by 4:45, just behind Spikes.

After an initial descent, I filled my bottle at a cache before spending the remainder of the morning climbing up and over a mountain.

Around 12 I entered Diamond Peak National Forest, where I found two men clearing blowdowns from the trail with the help of a large chainsaw. I chatted with them for a bit before making my way up Diamond Mountain.

At the top I stopped to enjoy a panoramic view of the valley below, but my snack time was cut short by pesky mosquitos.

Hiking on, I ran into a series of snow fields, reminding me of snowbound Sierra I’d somehow survived a month earlier. I’m hoping the snow in the northern Cascades melts before we arrive…

The final 5 miles to the trail junction I’d take to Shelter Cove were easy downhill trail through gorgeous green forest.

When I took the 1.5 mile side trail to the resort I took a wrong turn at some point. By the time I realized my mistake I’d gone far out of my way, which ended up doubling the time it should have taken me to arrive.

Thoroughly annoyed, I arrived at the resort just before 5 to find Spikes waiting for me on a bench out front. After saying hi, I ordered the Stinky Burger and a Diet Coke from the restaurant, Hook & Talon, before joining Spikes at the patio.

After eating, I grabbed my resupply box, and new shoes from the office. Having walked over 700 miles in my current pair of trail runners, I was more than ready to replace them.

Once I’d organized myself, I hit the shower, started a load of laundry and setup camp before joining Spikes and Airborne on the patio for a couple beers. After socializing a bit, we headed back to our campground to catch some z’s.

Thanks for the support Conrad! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the adventure!


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