PCT Day 108

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

27.6 miles

Mile 2064.6

We slept in an hour later than normal, hitting the trail a bit past 6. Like the previous two days, we’d planned for another sub 30 mile day to give our bodies a break before our 24 hour challenge.

After entering Mt Hood National Forest, the trail led us through a green tunnel of lush Oregon woodlands as we made our way north.

It was an easy day of relatively uninteresting terrain. I took few pictures, as there just wasn’t much change in the surroundings.

One thing I’ve really enjoyed throughout the trail are the variety of different blazes marking the PCT along the way. These retro blazes in Oregon have been my favorite!

We made great time as we meandered through the lush forest.

By 3 we’d reached Joe Graham campground, where we’d shack up for the evening.

The campground was great. There was a spigot with potable water, a pit toilet, picnic tables, fire rings and a trash can all nearby. While I setup camp, Spikes met a couple who were camping nearby with their horses. When Spikes returned with two IPAs, I walked over to thank them for the beer and meet their horses. One was a Percheron. It was massive, and honestly pretty intimidating. After chatting for a bit, Spikes and I headed back to our campsite to crush some dinner.

We ate everything in our food bags that we wouldn’t need for the 24 hour challenge, so our packs would be light as possible. Anxious for our big day tomorrow, we crashed before 6 to get a full 10 hours of sleep.


7 thoughts on “PCT Day 108”

  1. OK. Here we go. Do be careful and always thinking of both of you. Anxious to hear about this adventure. Guess no pics @ night.
    Hopefully full🌕. Lv u G

  2. Hi Austin, I stumbled upon your journal by chance last week and have been reading it every day since and even caught up on your past entries! Great photos, engaging writings and what an adventure! I will section hike the PCT in Oregon in early October.
    Keep writing and happy trails to you and Spikes!

    • So glad you’ve enjoyed the blog! You’ll love Oregon, it’s been some of my favorite hiking so far! Cheers!

  3. I read the blog every day, makes me feel like I’m on the trip with you guys! Great pictures! Keep up the good work!
    Let Spikes know she’s my hero! Can’t wait to see her and get the details of the trip!

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