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PCT Day 109

Bushcamp to Cascade Locks

73.2 miles

Mile 2146.6

We woke up around 4am, giving us ample time to slam some breakfast and pack up before getting started. By 5 we were flying up the trail by the light of our headlamps, the challenge had begun!

The plan was to hike from 5am Tuesday morning to 5am Wednesday morning. During this time we hoped to make it the 73.2 miles into Cascade Locks, where we had a hotel room waiting. Our strategy was to take a 10 minute break every 3 hours, hiking at least 10 miles each 3 hour interval.

The first 3 hours melted away as we hiked past Timothy Lake and through lush green forest.

The following 3 hours came as easy as the first as we made our way through two wilderness areas.

The next three hours were interesting. The trail became sandy as hell as it pitched steeply upward towards Timberline Lodge, but the views were dope. We were bummed to skip the legendary buffet that the lodge featured in The Shining offers, but I guess I can still try it on my way back south. From the lodge the trail roller coastered up and down, so our pace slowed a bit.

The next three hours were more of the same.

Twelve hours in, we’d already hiked over 40 miles, so decided to treat ourselves to a whole 20 minutes worth of rest. I took this time to add a couple Breakfast Essentials and some coffee packets to my water for a much needed energy boost before pushing on.

Having hiked nearly 50 miles, we took our final break before sunset. Surprisingly, both of us still felt great. Once we started hiking again, we enjoyed an epic sunset as we navigated a mountain ridge.

At 11 we stopped to top off our bottles at a lake, trying not to disturbed the group of hikers camped there. Continuing on in the dark, we saw a cool salamander before entering a burned section of trail.

By 2am we were feeling rather delirious. Fueled by coffee packets and protein bars, I was looking forward to being done. We’d hiked well over 60 miles, and had just over 6 miles left until Cascade Locks. Unfortunately, the trail continued to degrade as we began a seemingly endless descent down to the Columbia River, which sits at an elevation of under 100 ft. The trail was rocky and uneven as we descended thousands of feet towards the city lights below.

Well before 5am we arrived at Cascade Locks! 73.2 miles in 23 hours and 16 minutes! The tiny town was still sleeping as we padded slowly through its dimly lit streets. We’d booked a room at the Columbia Gorge Inn, but the office wouldn’t be open until 7am, so we parked ourselves on a bench out front and waited. At 6am the diner next door opened, so we swung by to feast on some breakfast. We both ordered omelets, it was delicious.

After paying our bill, I swung by the grocery store to grab some snack food before heading to our room. Thankful that we were able to check in early, we both showered before passing out in the awesomely comfy bed.

P.s. Shout out to Hobbes and Roger for adding some monetary incentive to our 24 hour challenge! I can’t thank y’all enough for the support you’ve so generously doled out through my adventure!


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