PCT Day 115

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

30.4 miles

Mile 2279.5

I got an early start, on trail before 5 to give myself ample time to crush the steep climb I’d have ascending Goat Rock. Big climbs mean big views, so I was pumped.

Around 9 I entered into Goat Rock Wilderness, named after the herds of mountain goats that graze high in its rocky terrain.

I was kind of having a bummer of a morning, between missing Spikes, the ravenous mosquitos and a massive group of Boy Scouts disturbing my peace (yes, I’m a grumpy old man), I just wasn’t feeling like hiking. Fortunately, some unexpected trail magic rescued me from my gloomy mood! After passing what felt like hundreds of teenaged Boy Scouts, I passed a leader who offered me a bag of delicious snacks! Jam packed with gummy bears, macadamia nuts, skittles, protein bars and more, I was thrilled!

Spirits revived from my stroke of luck, I began my climb up Goat Rock with a smile.

When I reached the top the world opened up. Walking on a high ridge above the tree line, the vista was fantastic.

I kept my eyes peeled for mountain goats as I padded along, but saw no signs of the creature.

The views continued getting better as I made my way along the crest towards my final climb up to the Knifes Edge.

I took advantage of the phone signal I found to catch up with Spikes. It turned out that she’d pinched a nerve in her leg, and her prescription was rest. Already feeling stir crazy in Trout Lake, we were both looking forward to being back together tomorrow at White Pass.

Pushing on, I began my traverse of Knifes Edge after crossing a sketchy snow packed slope. The crest offered an unobstructed 360 degree view of the valley and mountains beyond. It was incredible, and reminded me of some of the high mountain passes in the Sierra.

As I began my descent I noticed a fantastic campsite perched on a ridge with a snowmelt creek running beside it. It was just too scenic a spot to pass up, so although it was only 4, I decided to call it.

I spent my evening enjoying dinner with a view, mosquito free. From my tent I had a perfect seat to watch the sunset on Mt. Rainer. It was the perfect conclusion to an epic day, the only thing missing was Spikes.

Hi Heather, Jon and Claire! Thanks for supporting Spikes and I! We’re looking forward to some R&R on you in Snoqualmie.


3 thoughts on “PCT Day 115”

  1. Sunset gazing @ Mt Rainer worth the unpleasant stuff. Just magnificent 🤗
    Glad Spikes will be joining you.
    Got your missive for new shoes. Your grandfather is working the problem with Amazon. Lv u G

  2. Wow what a gorgeous hiking day the pictures make me want to grab our packs and head out right now

    Fingers crossed for Spikes legs to behave rest of trail

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