PCT Day 131

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

36.3 miles

SoBo Mile 36.3

Total Mileage 2688.9

I woke up feeling rested from a long night of sleep, and was on the move before 5. I checked the register at the northern monument to see if Airborne had made it, but didn’t see his name, so I assumed I’d pass him on his way to tag the monument later that day. We’d planned on teaming up for the trip south, so it was in my interest to locate him.

From the monument I spent the next three hours climbing a few thousand feet over gently graded trail.

I made good time while enjoying the scenic ridge walks.

I ran into a few hiking friends throughout the day on their way to tag the monument, so it was fun catching up with familiar faces. Everyone I talked to hadn’t seen Airborne, but swore he was ahead of them…so somehow I must of just missed him???

My afternoon was pretty uneventful as I made my way south through the snow capped Northern Cascades.

By 3 I’d reached Hart’s Pass campground, where I signed in at the register before banging out my final 6 miles.

By the time I reached my campground for the evening it had cooled down considerably. I ate a quick dinner of protein bars, potatoes chips and jerky before crashing by 6:30. I planned to night hike the remaining 25 miles to Rainy Pass, so would need to wake up in only 5 hours to get started.

P.s. For those who may be wondering, Spikes and I are absolutely continuing our relationship! She’s currently in San Diego beginning her incredible career as a packaging engineer. I miss her so very much, and look forward to being with her once I finish the trail.


8 thoughts on “PCT Day 131”

  1. I am just blown away by you both for finishing so quickly and then how you’ll feel after you have crushed some miles when yo yoing ??

    It must be quite surreal to go from a different direction over the same path you have only just walked. Is it weird ??

    Congrats to you both on many levels.

    • Thanks Tim! It was weird the first couple days walking south, but now it just feels like a new trail!

  2. Stay safe. Not the best environment i.e. fires everywhere
    Missing Spikes, but probably not as much as you!

  3. Yeah. I was wondering if you were a couple. So cool. I was wondering if the trail and pics you take are looking different on the way back. Already saw some that are amazing.

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