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PCT Day 132

Bushcamp to Mazama

25.1 miles

SoBo Mile 61.5

Total Mileage 2714.0

The wind woke me around 11:30pm, which was fine since I needed to get moving anyways. After a quick breakfast brew I was on trail by midnight.

It was a cold windy night as I plodded my way along a torch lit trail. I was missing some rather scenic views hiking in the dark, but at least I’d already seen it on my way north.

I made good time, stopping every two hours to slam some trail mix.

By the time I’d reached Granite Pass the sun was just starting to peek through the gloomy clouds.

My final 5 miles down from Cutthroat Pass to the Rainy Pass trailhead were cold as hell. I’d just sent my base layer home with Spikes, so was beginning to wonder if that had been a mistake.

By 8:30 I was standing on Highway 20 with my thumb out, trying unsuccessfully to stay warm.

It took about thirty minute for a school teacher from Winthrop named Katie to take pity on me and pick me up.

She was super cool. She hooked me up with a verbal tour of the town, and dropped me off in front of Ducks, one of the better eateries in town. After putting in my order for the western omelette, I was free to call Spikes now that I finally had signal.

I caught up with her while demolishing my tasty breakfast. After paying the bill, I cruised across the street to book a room at the Rio Vista Hotel. The room was super nice, and the price I’d paid reflected that, but I was too tired to care.

Before getting some much needed sleep, I walked down to the grocery store to grab my resupply and some snacks for the room, including two pints of Ben & Jerrys and an entire rotisserie chicken. Upon getting back to the room I ate all of this while laying in bed. It was glorious.

I awoke from my nap around 8pm. After polishing off the remainder of my snacks and making a few phone calls, I fell back asleep while watching Fantastic Four.


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