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PCT Day 133

Winthrop to Ravensong’s Roost

0 miles

SoBo mile 61.5

Total mileage 2714.0

I woke up around 7 feeling incredible. I laid in bed for the next few hours getting caught up on blog posts before heading down the street to Rocking Horse Bakery where I grabbed a breakfast scramble and a kombucha.

Now that I’d been fed, I cruised towards the outskirts of the western themed town to wait for a hitch to the neighboring community of Mazama, where I’d meet up with Airborne.

It took only minutes for a truck to stop for me. When I hopped in the back I was greeted by a hiker named Not Guilty, who was hiking the Pacific Northwest Trail. I chatted him up until the truck arrived at my destination, Ravensong’s Roost.

Ravensong hiked the PCT in 1976, and since has established herself in Mazama’s premier trail angel. With help from the hiking community, she erected an incredible guesthouse exclusively for hiker use. Decked out with a full kitchen, a bathroom with the PCT emblem tiled into the shower, an upstairs sleeping loft with a handful of beds and loads of additional amenities, it was a rad place to hang.

Airborne was hanging out front when I arrived. It was a good reunion.

After catching up, we road bikes down to the Mazama Country Store to picked up some food and brewskies to enjoy back at the hiker hut.

Back at Ravensong’s, we spent some time reviewing the current fire closures south of us and planning our alternative routes. We decided we’d spend the night at the hut, before getting the train rolling the following morning.

We spent the rest of the evening socializing with the other hikers who’d arrived, and cooked up a massive pancake dinner before crashing by 7.


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