PCT Day 134

Ravensong’s Roost to Bushcamp

22.6 miles (18.6 PCT miles, 4 detour miles)

SoBo mile 80.7

Total mileage 2732.6

I’d slept well in a comfy cot upstairs in Ravensong’s hiker hut. I headed downstairs around 6 to brew a pot of coffee and gather my gear. An hour later Airborne and I were standing on Highway 20 waiting on a hitch.

Before long a Jeep pulled up and we hopped in. The driver, Chris, was on his way from Bozeman, Montana to meet up with some buddies for a backpacking trip.

By 7:30 we were on trail the heading south from Rainy Pass.

The trail was mostly downhill, so we made great time until reaching Stehekin Road.

When we reached Stehekin road the trail south from there was still closed for the next 20 miles due to a wildfire in the area. The detour would take us around it, but added an additional 8 miles.

We lost an hour waiting for the Stehekin bus to arrive to shuttle us to the detour trailhead, but lucked out when the driver offered to take us to the famous bakery before dropping us off. This gave us time to buy some tasty treats.

Around 4 we were finally making our way up Company Creek trail. It was a hell of a climb, much steeper then anything we’ve experienced on the PCT, since it wasn’t graded with equestrians in mind. It also looked like it hadn’t been groomed since its creation, so the going was slow.

We ran into Hook, Bones, Rabbit, Amir and Rainfly shortly after beginning our ascent. It was a good reunion for Airborne, having hiked most of the trail north with them.

Pushing on, we painfully weaved our way up the overgrown steep trail as stinging nettles tortured our legs.

A bit past 6 we reached a campground aptly named Cathedral Camp from the massive trees circling it. We were disappointed with our dismal progress for the day, but now that it’s fire season these closure are just a new obstacle to overcome.

P.s. Shout out to Crisco for his awesome support! Thanks for following along!


3 thoughts on “PCT Day 134”

  1. Boy you did so good missing all the fires on your way Northbound but you had the snow to contend with. Now the rolls are certainly getting ready to be reversed with several fires and most likely no snow giving you a whole different view of the sierras!

    Hike safe 😀

  2. Hey Austin ~ What is your first target and date for SoBo? I recall you want to make it to a PCT event.

    You may have already told us this: How did Airborne get his trail name? What is his home state? What is his ‘go to’ trail food?

    I hope you keep throwing in the calories to keep your energy level up.

    As always, I enjoy the wooden bridge pics. Although the bridges are man-made elements in the wild, I’m sure you appreciate every one of them!


    • Hey Roger,

      We’re shooting to make it to Cascade Locks by the 18th for PCT Days. I plan on being with my family for thanksgiving, so gotta finish by then.

      Airborne got his name for sliding down a snowy ridge last year in the Sierra and getting “airborne” multiple times. He’s from Venture CA. He eats a lot of mayonnaise…


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