PCT Day 136

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

35.7 miles

SoBo mile 143.9

Total mileage 2796.5

By 5 we were moving through the dark old growth forest along Vista Creek.

Two hours later we began our first of two big climbs for the day. The switchbacks weren’t too bad thanks to the cool morning air.

The ridge walk atop the climb was blanketed with vibrant wildflowers and chubby marmots retreating into their holes.

After a short break, we plunged down the backside of the mountain on switchbacks overgrown with scratchy vegetation.

At the bottom we crossed a bridge before immediately beginning another tedious set of switchbacks up towards Mica Lake.

When we reached the glacier fed alpine lake we took a few minutes to gawk at its beauty.

The final push up to Fire Pass was rough in the midday heat, but the vistas at the top were well worth the effort.

The remaining 8 miles to camp was a roller coaster ridge walk.

Then there was this sketchy bridge we had to cross.

By the time I reached camp I was totally gassed. We’d done over 11,000 ft of elevation gain, and my body felt it. After crushing a quick dinner, I crashed hard.

P.s. Thanks Yi for following along and your generous support!


6 thoughts on “PCT Day 136”

  1. Holy Sh*t that scenery is amazing! Like hiking in paradise. Do you feel that you are on familiar ground or are the sobo vistas different and seem new?

  2. Wow what amazing scenery it’s just breathtaking! Since you know what’s in the review mirror you can just always look ahead!

  3. Glad to know that I am not alone… HOLY COW, these pics are amazing and make the Cascades a Must See before I die. I will also second the question, does this area look different heading SOBO.? Keep up the great work 🍪🍧🍺

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