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PCT Day 137

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

34.6 miles

SoBo Mile 178.7

Total mileage 2831.3

I woke up exhausted. I needed another hour, but packed up anyways. By 5 we were beginning our ascent of Reds Pass.

We passed loads of tents on the way up. We must be getting close to the north bound bubble.

The top of the pass offered excellent vistas of the mountains to the north and south.

Pushing on, we followed a ridge for the next two hours before beginning a series of ups and downs that would last the remainder of the day.

Around noon we took a break on the grassy bank of this alpine lake. It was almost completely frozen two weeks ago when I passed it heading north.

From there, we continued passing loads of hikers heading to Canada, many of them we knew. It slowed us down, but it was nice catching up with old friends.

The last few hours to camp were pretty brutal. It was toasty out, so the exposed climbs really drained me.

When we reached camp we were both whipped. After setting up camp, I polished off the contents of my food bag before crashing hard. I fell asleep dreaming of town food and catching up with Spikes once we reached Stevens Pass the next morning.


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