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PCT Day 139

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

37.1 mile

SoBo mile 230.1

Total Mileage 2882.7

The alarm on my wrist watch buzzed me awake at 3:30, by 4 I was climbing a gentle ascent in the dark.

As the sun began to light my way, I passed lake after lake, wondering which one Airborne might have camped at.

Two hours later I still hadn’t seen him, so began to think that I may have missed his tent in the dark.

The low sun painted the clouds with wild colors as I climbed towards Glacier Lake.

Just before 7 I turned a corner to find Airborne sitting with his buddy Lights Out. While resting with them for a bit I coordinated our campsite for the night before pushing on.

Over the next few hours the trail rose and fell along ridge lines and through dense forest. I ran into two dudes decked out in camo carrying rifles. After chatting with them I learned they were hunting bear. I told them I hadn’t seen any in Washington before moving on.

I found it interesting to find a creek crossing that had been rather challenging on my way north to be pretty dang easy now. I may need to start watching my water sources…

The biggest climb of the day was up Cathedral Rock. It was early afternoon, so it was hot, but I enjoyed a short break by Deep Lake when I descended into the valley on the southern side.

From there the trail snaked it’s way through a green tunnel overgrown with huckleberries. It was delicious.

After topping off my bottle at Waptus Creek, I polished off the final five mile ascent to camp.

I made it to camp just before 6. The bugs were out, so I threw up my tent before munching down on dinner inside.


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