PCT Day 143

Sheep Lake to Bushcamp

47.1 miles

SoBo mile 374.0

Total mileage 3026.6

By 5:30 Airborne and I were walking along the edge of Sheep Lake to rejoin the PCT, clueless of the long day ahead of us.

A couple miles later we reached Chinook Pass, where we crossed a highway before beginning our ascent into Henry O. Jackson Wilderness.

Shortly after breaking at Dewey Lake, we ran into our Aussie friend River, who we’d see again a few days later at PCT Days.

Pushing on, we followed the trail as it wrapped around ridge lines.

As we grew closer to White Pass, smoke from the Miriam Fire began to fill the air.

When we reached White Pass, we walked along the hazy freeway towards the Cracker Barrel gas station.

The camp for the firefighters lay sprawled across the street from the gas station.

It was just past 4 when we arrived, and having hiked nearly 32 miles already, I was famished. After grabbing my resupply box I chowed down on a ham and swiss sandwich, veggies and hummus, four tuna packets and a protein shake.

Feeling much improved from my feast, I organized my resupply before pitching my tent behind the gas station. We’d decided to nap until dark, whereupon we’d knockout the fire closure detour in the coolness of night.

By 10 we were back at it, padding along the highway in the dark towards where the detour began. Road walks can be brutal in the heat of the day, so I was glad we’d waited.

Once on trail, we quickly grew to miss the gentle grade of the PCT. The detour was steep as hell in places, and walking in the dark made it extra sketchy.

Along the way we saw loads of toads, as well as this neat salamander.

Just before 4am we arrived at the junction where the detour rejoins the PCT. Too exhausted to bother with my tent, I threw down my groundsheet, sleeping pad and quilt and turned in. From where I was lying I could see the wildfire dancing in the valley below.

P.s. Hey Roger! Thanks for funding my R&R for PCT Days! Your continued generous support is absolutely incredible!
