PCT Day 144

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

29.1 miles

SoBo mile 403.1

Total mileage 3055.7

After about 3 hours of sleep I woke at 7:30 as hikers began stomping by. The plot of ground I’d picked to cowboy camp on was practically on the trail, but I’d been so tired at the time I hadn’t cared.

I was still exhausted from the previous days push, but I wouldn’t gain anything from attempting to sleep at this spot, so Airborne and I packed up and headed up to the Knifes Edge.

The narrow trail offered 360 degree vistas, but the thick smoke hid the awesome peaks I’d seen on my way north.

There were heaps of mountain goats out this morning, a herd grazing on either side of the ridge we traversed.

In my opinion, other than the Sierra, Goat Rocks Wilderness is the most scenic section on the PCT.

After taking a short break to soak in the views one last time, we continued on down the southern side of the mountain.

I was feeling pretty shitty from the lack of rest, so made getting to camp as quickly as possible a priority. I split off from Airborne, walking as fast as I could while taking few breaks.

Despite my breakneck pace, I still enjoyed the incredible vistas as I snaked my way along elevated ridge lines.

Eventually the trail led me down and away from the Goat Rocks Wilderness area and into a green tunnel of endless woodlands.

By 6 I arrived at Lava Springs, my home for the night. It was a neat spot. I opted to cowboy camp out of laziness, and after a quick dinner I was out.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 144”

  1. “In my opinion, other than the Sierra, Goat Rocks Wilderness is the most scenic section on the PCT.”

    I would have to agree. It’s a shame that the smoke blocked some of the views, but it looks amazing nonetheless. Maybe you and Spikes can get back for another trip thru in the future… Without the smoke. Keep it up buddy, Cheers!

  2. Love following along with your yoyo… Still can’t get over how small that new pack is! You must get mistaken for a day hiker often!

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