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PCT Day 146

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

36.3 miles

SoBo mile 480.9

Total mileage 3133.5

I woke up at 5 feeling pretty tired, but these miles won’t hike themselves, so up I got.

The morning miles came easily enough as we ascended a gentle grade.

The smoke that had blocked out the surrounding mountains for the last few days had finally let up, giving up excellent vistas.

As we pushed on, the trail left the ridge line, plunging into a green tunnel.

Around noon we were both feeling pretty gassed, so we took a break by the bank of Panther Creek.

While sitting there a lady with her dog walked up and began chatting with us. She hooked us up with a bag of pretzels and a nectarine before moving on.

A mile later we discovered trail magic just after Wind River! This unexpected surprise made our day! After munching down on apples, granola bars and Squirt, we cranked out the remaining miles with full bellies.

I spent the final hour of my hike chatting with Paige. She made the climb fly by, and upon reaching the dirt road that we’d planned on camping at, I threw down my kit to devour some dinner.


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