PCT Day 147

Bushcamp to Cascade Locks

25 miles

SoBo mile 505.2

Total mileage 3157.8

I woke up totally jazzed to get into Cascade Locks! Only 25 miles between me and delicious food!

We made quick progress over the relatively easy trail, excited to see our friends at PCT Days!

I was bummed to find a place I’d camped with Spikes on our way north totally bombed by hiker trash…

What’s wrong with people??? We passed Gillette Lake before banging out the final 4 miles into town.

Then we reach The Bridge of the Gods! Peace out Washington! It took about 6 weeks, but we we’re finally done with this incredible state.

After crossing the bridge we swung by the market to grab some snacks before checking out PCT Days.

Honestly it was a bit overwhelming, but it was neat seeing so many hikers and gear vendors all in one place! We hung out for a bit, before heading over to the island where our friends were waiting. When we arrived I pitched my tent and caught up with Swift, Shit Gust, Bones, Biscuits, Shopping Cart and Summer.

My good friend Sam who recently moved to Portland drove over with her boyfriend to hangout. I met up with them at PCT Days before heading over to Thunder Island Brewery for some beer and grub.

Good times were had by all. It was great catching up! After they left I grabbed the largest ice cream ever before heading back to the island to hang with the crew.

The day of leisure, laughs and friends was a mighty treat after the grind we’d had getting through Washington.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 147”

  1. Dang that is an ice cream cone fit for a hiker!

    awe it was a nice little break getting to catch up on your blog reading. Welcome back to Oregon. I think you might have a few weeks of smokey hiking ahead of you, but hopefully not too many detours. I can imagine in your head all day you compare when you were there last — fun stuff

    The Goats wilderness surely did look beautiful, I haven’t been there and your pictures really are enticing.

    Keep hiking safely and hope to catch you this round as you pass our section

  2. Congratulations on your Washington yo yo! You had a lot of smoke through the state judging by your photos.

    Too bad us hikers have scum trash amongst us who cannot protect the outdoors for everyone’s future enjoyment – I’m referring to the appalling state you found near Gillette Lake. And having camp fires with the West burning.
    Turning the PCT into a s**t hole!!!!

    As a yo yo ambassador take care of yourself and the trail. Looking forward to your continued hike south.
    Try to have breakfast at The Timberline.

  3. So sad to see that picture… Hopefully that will be the only spot seen that way. Keep plugging in the miles, and thanks so much for the posts. It is nice living through your posts, and know that we are all with you in some way. Cheers 🍺🍧🍪

  4. Finally caught up with you. Be safe and I’m loving your cone. Guess you have to lick pretty fast to stay ahead of it. Must say you are looking quite fit. The festival looked great. Everyone into taking a hike I would guess.
    Lv u G

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