Bushcamp to Bushcamp
40.2 miles
SoBo mile 705.4
Total mileage 3358.0
When my alarm went off at 5am, the last thing I wanted to do was hike. My stomach was still bugging me, and I felt exhausted. Right before I convinced myself that it’d be ok to rest for an additional hour, I forced myself up…and it was worth it.
The vibrant sunrise provided an epic background to the North Sister as I picked my way through Mt. Washington’s lava field.
A thick cloud hung low in the valley before me, but once I got closer the ashy odor revealed it was smoke!
Once I’d made it through the lava rocks, smoke and crossed the Old McKenzie Highway, I entered into my favorite wilderness area in Oregon, Three Sisters.
After a snack break at Matthieu Lake, I spent the rest of my morning making my way around the North Sister.
Around noon I entered into the limited entry obsidian area, where shattered chunks of obsidian lay scattered alongside the trail.
Then I passed Obsidian Falls…
As I hiked I wondered where Airborne was. He never made it to camp the previous night, so I’m guessing he’s somewhere behind me.
I only stopped a couple times throughout the day, as I felt great and the weather was perfect. I accidentally went 21 miles between refilling my water bottle, because I just wasn’t drinking.
As evening approached, smoke began to grow thicker and thicker as I made my way south.
After passing a series of smaller lakes, I finally reached Dumbbell Lake, my home for the night!
I found a rad spot to pitch my tent on a peninsula. From my tent I watched the sun set upon the lake as I munched down dinner.
P.s. Thanks Pete for your generous contribution to the journey! From one Arizonan to another, cheers!