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PCT Day 162

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

35.6 miles

Sobo mile 1038.9

Total mileage 3691.5

I’d set my alarm for 3am, since I’d gone to bed early the night before I figured I’d wake up extra early to get a killer start to the day. I felt alright, so by 3:30 was making my way along Grider Creek in the darkness.

I found a scorpion on trail, something I haven’t seen since Southern Cali.

About 7 miles into my morning the trail finally split off from the creek, to begin what would be a long and grueling ascent into the Marble Mountains.

It wasn’t until noon that the trail finally flattened out a bit. The long climb had taken more time and more energy than I’d anticipated, so I was glad I’d gotten an early start.

From there the trail roller coastered along mountain ridges. Often dropping down into valleys and popping back up to crests.

Around 3 I missed a side trail that led down to a creek, making the next two hours pretty brutal from lack of water.

When I stumbled upon a tiny creek a bit past 5, I’d never been so happy to see water. After chugging a couple liters, I was feeling rather beat, so decided to push on just 3 miles more to Fischer Lake.

An hour later I’d arrived. There was a super friendly couple from Portland camping there also. It was nice chatting with them while eating dinner. A chocolate hazelnut butter packet had exploded in my food bag, and oh boy had it made a mess! By the time I’d finished cleaning everything, it was bed time.


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