PCT Day 165

Bushcamp to Mount Shasta

23.9 miles

Sobo mile 1126.8

Total mileage 3779.4

I slept in until 5am. I only had to hike 24 miles to get to the fire closure at Gumboot Trailhead, so there was no reason for an early start. By 5:30 I was hiking around the perimeter of Bull Lake watching the sun slowly rise.

As I hiked through the morning I was happy to find myself feeling well for the second day in a row! I’m starting to think whatever was wrong with my stomach has passed.

God bless whoever MacGyvered this plant stem water faucet. Water collection would have been impossible without it.

I made good time over the flat terrain as I made my way towards Gumboot Trailhead.

The miles flew by as I day dreamed of all the delicious food I’d eat when I arrived at Mount Shasta.

Three miles out from the trailhead I shot Tony a text letting him know I’d be there in an hour. Shortly after he texted me back saying he was on the way. Perfect.

At 1:30 I arrived at Gumboot Trailhead, where the PCT fire closure began, and continued for the next 55 miles, ending at Ash Camp.

Five minutes later Tony rolled up and I hopped in. Tony was a super cool dude, who plans on hiking the PCT next year. He offered to hook me up with a ride to where the trail opens back up at Ash Camp the following day. When we got into Mount Shasta, he gave me a quick tour of the town before dropping me off at the Travel Inn.

After checking into my room, I took a quick shower before heading down the street to get some grub at Subway. I got a meatball marinara with all the veggies…it was so good.

Belly satisfied for the moment, I swung by the Ray’s Grocery next door to get a three day resupplying for my next section of trail before heading back to the room.

Chores done, I spent the rest of my day lounging in bed watching tv while eating as much as I could. It was amazing.


10 thoughts on “PCT Day 165”

  1. Austin,
    Good to see that you are on the trail again and feeling good. I must admit I was feeling nauseous too, just from reading all the medical advice comments over the last few days. Hopefully the bug has extricated itself from your system. Maybe worth another check with the doctors in Shasta area perhaps. But better be safe than sorry.

    I can see one advantage of the CA fires, you can skip some of the trail, replacing leg muscles with the luxury of 4 wheels. And it’s not as if you have missed anything, as you have already hit that spot heading northbound.

    So that is, 2 wins in a row. You have everything going your way.

    Good luck Austin and may the trail south go smoothly for you.

    • John I totally disagree about the fires. Missing out on any section of the trail is like celebrating Christmas without presents. If you wanted a road trip you wouldn’t have sold your truck, right Snacks?! On any note, it sounds like you’re having to hike AROUND the closures, so it’s not the luxurious ride John thinks.

      • Unlike the previous closures, there’s no detour for this one. It’s a bummer skipping miles, but it’s just part of the game. Cheers!

  2. Austin,

    You are an elite athlete. Please please please filter your water and change your water bottle often.

  3. You’re a rebel. Not filtering water, re-entering US from Canada the not-so-legal way, impromptu yoyo.

    Wish we could all be as give-zero-sh*ts as you. Hike on!

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