PCT Day 17

Big Bear to Little Bear Springs Camp

19.4 miles

Mile 285.6

We got a late start on the day after swinging by the Lumber Jack Cafe for a final town meal. All I could stomach was a cup of coffee, while KP and Stretch both downed a breakfast burrito.

Once we squared up with the waitress, KP, Stretch, The Prodigy and I walked down the road to Highway 18 and threw out a thumb. Half an hour later I traded places with Prodigy to try my luck. The next car stopped!

A sweet lady named Julie picked us up. She was a Big Bear local on her way to the grocery to grab some peanut butter.

Thankful for the ride to the trailhead, I overlooked my trekking poles when I hopped out of her car. The stark realization of my loss hit me the moment she drove off.

Floundering with the situation, I figured my one chance to retrieve my treasured poles would be to get to the grocery store before she left.

At that very moment a gentleman in a Toyota Tacoma pulled up inquiring if any of us needed a ride! I quickly said yes and hopped in. He introduced himself as Steve and I quickly explained my dire situation as we speed off towards town hopping to catch Julie.

The plan was to hit each grocery store in town in an attempt to locate her white Nissan SUV(turns out it was a black Honda) with Idaho plates. The first stop was Vons. As we drive up and down the isle of cars my heart dropped. I didn’t see her car…

As we made a final turn to exit the parking lot I saw Julie! Exuberant, I jumped out of the car and ran up to her cheesing hard. She exchanged a similar expression as she gave me a giant hug and handed over my lost poles.

I thanked her profusely before hopping back into Steve’s truck who generously drove me back to the trailhead and refused payment of any kind.

WOW, the trail was looking over me today. What could have been an unfortunate situation somehow worked out. Incredible!

Back on the trail by 11, the shenanigans had only set me back 30 minutes behind the rest of the crew, so I set off down the trail with a smile on my face and poles in hand to catch up.

The day started with an easy climb through a burn area.

The remainder of the day was relatively flat, so I made great time.

Ten miles in I turned a corner to find the boys chilling next to a babbling brook.

I filled them in on my side quest laughing at my stroke of luck. We were moving again by 2.

I really enjoyed the scenic and easy section of trail we walked. We saw a pretty neat brown snake.

Around 530 we rolled into camp. I found some prime real estate to setup shop before making my way to the picnic table to attack my dinner snacks.

Full on food and life, I went to bed a happy man.

P.s. It finally happened…I got me some blisters. I inadvertently ordered the Lonepeak 3.0 rather than the 3.5 I had been wearing. The differences are minor, but in a major way. The shallower heel cups in the 3.0 causes rubbing on my heel which led to a small blister on each foot. Halfway through the day I adjusted how my shoes were laced which seemed to mitigate the issue.


5 thoughts on “PCT Day 17”

  1. did you know your trail friends before you started out? tell us about them! how’d they get their trail names?

    • Great question! Check out the p.s. section at the bottom of Day 18 that I just posted. Cheers!

  2. Ouch! Blisters! Hope they heal quickly! Glad your poles turned up son…I’ve been curious about where your trail mates are
    from too and where’s the next spot caring peeps can send you a care package? 🙂

  3. Luck on your side for the poles!!!!! Bet that won’t happen again right?!!!

    Ouch in blisters hope they heal quick. Keep them as dry and bandages as possible.

    Gorgeous views and that trails looking good 😀

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