PCT Day 171

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

31.1 miles

Sobo mile 1350.2

Total mileage 4002.8

I slept in till 6am, giving the sun some time to rise and throw some heat at the frigid morning.

Shortly after starting I passed the access road leading into Chester, but pushed on rather than heading into town.

My morning was pretty uneventful as I meandered along the relatively flat trail. My stomach was bugging me, so I took breaks often.

Just before noon I reached the PCT midway point marker, which means I’m 3/4ths of the way done, with over 4000 miles walked, woot!!!

Next I passed Butt Mountain…

My afternoon looked a lot like my morning. Honestly I was pretty bored, but onward I pushed.

I met a couple of friendly south bound hikers while topping my bottle off at a spring. It was nice chatting for a bit before pushing on.

I could hear rifles blasting off all around me as I hiked, deer must be in season…

By 7 I’d found a nice place to camp for the night, so after pitching my tent I crushed dinner and went to bed.


16 thoughts on “PCT Day 171”

  1. Chugging along like a madman!
    I’m still here every day (well, post).

    What’s your average moving pace on most days? 3mph must be relatively leisurely for you!

    Loving every sight that you share,

    • Hey Alden! Things are certainly moving along. Now that I’m healthy again I average around 3.7 mph. Thanks for checking in! Cheers!

  2. Still keeping up with you. Don’t have good reception when on Fareo iles or apparently Iceland. You are sounding quite positive and for that I’m great full. We will be home next week. Be safe and watch out for critters Lv u G. 🙃

  3. Beautiful trail pics👍You’ve come a long way baby! I enjoyed our night CE short chat! It was good to hear your voice😘 Take care and praying for health and safety❤️

  4. All “downhill” until he hits the High Sierra. 😅 I’m most envious of that section of the PCT; what a world!

  5. I’d suggest some pants already! I got snowed on, on the 3, 4, & 5th in the Sierras – just at Forrester pass. We had 4 days of ice on the tent and frost every day for the week we were out. In Yosemite, the Tuolumne Meadows lodge and campgrounds are wrapping up for the season. The store and lodge closed this weekend, and the campground is closing on the 24th. Winter season is closing in. It’s good to see you cranking out miles, but you still have a rough one coming if we get early snow this year.

    • I’ve got my winter gear now. I had snow all through the Sierra on my way north, so I’m not too worried about it so long as it doesn’t dump 5 ft over night!

  6. Crazy impressive journey Snacks! We met briefly in late August near Obsidian Falls. We were north bound. I power read your entire blog this weekend, Awesome!!

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