Bushcamp to Bushcamp
31.1 miles
Sobo mile 1350.2
Total mileage 4002.8
I slept in till 6am, giving the sun some time to rise and throw some heat at the frigid morning.
Shortly after starting I passed the access road leading into Chester, but pushed on rather than heading into town.
My morning was pretty uneventful as I meandered along the relatively flat trail. My stomach was bugging me, so I took breaks often.
Just before noon I reached the PCT midway point marker, which means I’m 3/4ths of the way done, with over 4000 miles walked, woot!!!
Next I passed Butt Mountain…
My afternoon looked a lot like my morning. Honestly I was pretty bored, but onward I pushed.
I met a couple of friendly south bound hikers while topping my bottle off at a spring. It was nice chatting for a bit before pushing on.
I could hear rifles blasting off all around me as I hiked, deer must be in season…
By 7 I’d found a nice place to camp for the night, so after pitching my tent I crushed dinner and went to bed.