PCT Day 172

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

35 miles (2 off trail miles)

Sobo mile 1383.2

Total mileage 4035.8

When the alarm on my wristwatch buzzed me awake at 4am, it took a tremendous amount of effort to get moving. My eyes watered in the frigid breeze as I trudged through the darkness, fighting back the nausea caused by my knotted stomach.

Despite the rough start, by sunrise my body had warmed and stomach relaxed. The 15 miles separating me from breakfast in Belden were all downhill, so I made epic time as I wound my way down into the Feather River Canyon.

Just past 10am the forest spit me out onto Highway 70, with the mighty Feather River flowing adjacent it. My resupply box was waiting for me at Caribou Crossings, an RV park with a general store and grill 2 miles to the east. Hitching would had been neigh impossible on the narrow road, so I had to hoof it.

When I arrived, I found a seat in the tiny diner and ordered the Miner’s Breakfast, along with a chocolate shake and a coffee.

Once I’d polished off my delicious meal, I grabbed my resupply box and organized myself on the patio table out front. As per usual, Paige had outdone herself. The contents of the box were just what I needed to get through the next section if trail. In addition to the resupply, I’d also been sent antibiotics to treat Guardia.

For over three weeks I’ve been bogged down with this illness, so let’s hope this medication works!

Chores done, it was time to get back on trail. I lucked out with a quick hitch back to Belden, so by 1pm I was beginning the 5000 ft ascent out of the Feather River Canyon.

Fueled by hash browns and milkshake, I powered through the lengthy climb. I spotted not one but two small rattle snakes on my way up.

I passed a group of four south bounders towards the top of the climb. We chatted for a bit before I pushed on.

By 6pm I finally reached the end of the ascent. The trail leveled out and the views opened up as the path led me along a ridge line.

As the sun began to set I found a place to camp. I pitched my tent and chowed down on the BLT I’d packed out from Caribou Crossing before crashing.

P.s. Pete! I can’t even begin to thank you enough! What you did to help me went above and beyond!


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