Bushcamp to Bushcamp
34.6 miles
Sobo mile 1417.8
Total mileage 4070.4
I woke up a bit before 5am, surprised to find my stomach feeling totally fine. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, as I’ve felt better before, only to be ill again the next day, but maybe these antibiotics are working?
I caught an epic sunrise as I walked along a ridge line for the first few hours.
Around 8am I began the lengthy descent into the Middle Fork Feather River Canyon.
As I sped down the final few switchbacks before reaching the bottom of the canyon I saw a massive black bear.
When I reached the river, I took a short break on the bridge before beginning the long climb out of the canyon.
By the time the trail leveled out again I was completely gassed. I’d planned on going a bit further, but decided to makeup the miles the following day. After setting up camp and a quick dinner, I was asleep.