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PCT Day 177

Bushcamp to Echo Lake Chalet

41.1 miles

Sobo mile 1560.3

Total mileage 4212.9

I woke at 3am to get an early start on the long day ahead that would bring me to South Lake Tahoe. The dark predawn hours flew by as I made my way into the Desolation Wilderness.

I caught a great sunrise with a glimpse of Lake Tahoe in the distance.

As the day progressed I weaved my way up through woodlands towards Dick Pass, which would be the highest point on the PCT since beginning my southern journey.

I passed a handful of lakes that had been frozen last time I’d seen them on my approach to the pass.

By 1pm I’d ascended Dicks Pass, and began my long descent towards Echo Lake.

I passed another group of lakes before breaking at Aloha Lake to hope in for a bath. It’s been quite some time since I’d bathed or laundered my clothes, so it felt good to get some of the grime off.

Feeling somewhat fresher, I banged out the last 9 miles to Echo Lake Chalet.

My friend Summer, who is one of the many incredible people I’ve met while hiking the trail, lives in Tahoe. She welcomed me to Tahoe with a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, fitting I know, and took me to Sushi Pier to feast on all you can eat sushi!

Once I’d had all the rice and raw fish that I could stand, we swung by the grocery store so I could grab a two day resupply.

Finally, she dropped me back off at the Echo Lake Chalet by 10pm. Absolutely exhausted, I pitched my tent behind the chalet and crashed hard.

P.s. Shout out to the great and powerful Summer for making my brief stint in Tahoe a rememberable one!

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