PCT Day 179

Bushcamp to Kennedy Meadows

38.9 miles

Sobo mile 1635.7

Total mileage 4288.3

Guys, last night may have been my most miserable night on trail. The wind picked up around midnight with hellish ferocity. The ground I’d pitched my tent on was too rocky to get my stakes in, so I had used rocks to secure the guylines. On three separate occasions throughout the night my tent collapsed, so I was forced from my sleep to repitch.

Then, around 2am the wind was so intense it snapped one of my carbon fiber tent poles! This is why you don’t camp on exposed ridges…anyways, utterly defeated I packed up my gear and began my day much earlier than I’d of liked.

Four hours later the sun finally began to peak over the mountains, illuminating the trail and warming my cold hands as I climbed.

Most of the days hiking roller coastered in elevation from 8000 to 10,000 ft.

Despite the large amount of elevation gain and loss, I cruised through the Carson Iceberg Wilderness, anticipating the warm meal I’d have in Kennedy Meadows that evening.

My final climb of the day brought me to well over 10,000 ft. atop Sonora Peak.

From there I cruised down to Sonora Pass, where I snagged a hitch into town in minutes.

When I arrived at Kennedy Meadows I paid $35, which bought me a shower, laundry and a bunk for the night. Next, I picked up food for the next three days at the small general store before heading over to the restaurant to feast!

I met two hikers named Spats and Sky Bird who invited me to join them for dinner. I gladly accepted, stoked for some company for a change. For dinner I ordered the ribeye and a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and oh boy was it tasty!

Absolutely stuffed and equally exhausted, I bid my new friends goodnight before crashing in my comfy bunk.
