Bushcamp to Bushcamp
38.1 miles
Sobo mile 1708.4
Total mileage 4361.0
I woke at 3am and thirty minutes later I was on my way up towards Seavey Pass. I reached the top of the pass just as the sun began to peak over the mountains.
From Seavey Pass the trail led me down into a valley before bringing me back up towards Benson Pass.
By noon I’d reached the top of Benson Pass, but the descent down the other side was short lived. The trail continued to roller coaster up and down for the next few hours.
I reached Miller Lake around 3pm, where finally the trail flattened out as I made my way to Tuolumne Meadows.
When I reached Tuolumne Falls, I took a short break to enjoy the cascading water before hiking a few more miles to where I camped for the evening.
P.s. It’s crazy to think that the miles I covered today took me nearly three days to hike on my way north! Things are much easier now that the snow has melted.