PCT Day 188

Bushcamp to Kennedy Meadows

34.2 miles

Sobo mile 1950.4

Total mileage 4603.0

I woke up at 2am stoked to get into town. Reaching Kennedy Meadows has been a big milestone in my southbound hike, as it means the high Sierra are behind me.

By the time the sun had rose I’d come down from the mountains, now hiking through wide open meadows and rolling foothills.

I stopped at the Kern River to strip off my warmer layers before banging out the final 14 miles into town.

I arrived at the Kennedy Meadows General Store just before 2pm. I’d made epic time, so treated myself to an ice cream before getting a ride to Triple Crown Outfitters from the shops proprietor, Yogi. I grabbed a few essentials, most importantly new dry bags for my quilt and clothes, a filter and some M&Ms. No way I’m letting gear get wet again!

Next, I cruised over to Grumpys to pickup my resupply box and feast! I ordered a large pizza, a dozen wings and a Lagunitas IPA.

While eating I caught up with the owners, Scott and Kendra, at the bar. Locals excited with my story kept buying me rounds, so that was neat, but the best was when the couple sitting next to me offered to put me up in their guest room for the night! Woot!

Mike and Brenda were the absolute best. From Grumpys it was just a short drive to their incredible cabin, where they showed me to their guest room and made me feel at home. After a long hot shower they helped me launder my clothes before kicking back in an easy chair to watch The Voice with an IPA and a big bowl of popcorn. By 9pm I was exhausted, so bid them goodnight before crawling into their comfy guest room bed.

P.s. Thanks Caroline for your support and sending a beer my way! You rock!


4 thoughts on “PCT Day 188”

  1. Holy wow on those pictures. Such beauty in the crisp fall air.

    Yay on making it to KM and what a fun night pizza wings beer popcorn and the generosity of locals.

    I look forward to the rest of your post thru the gorgeous S Cal terrain.

  2. Wow you made it through the Sierra with little snow. You are home free now. I’ll be hiking Wrightwood on October 13. Don’t know if you will be there yet. Maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of you flying by. 🙂

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