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PCT Day 190

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

39.3 miles

Sobo mile 2021.8

Total mileage 4674.4

By 3am I was winding my way down the steep mountain in the dark heading towards Walker Pass, where I’d find my first water of the day.

The sun rose at an opportune time, as I made my way along an exposed ridge line.

The ridge walk continued offering excellent vistas of the desolate desert below.

By 10am I’d covered 20 miles and had reached Walker Pass. I stopped at the road crossing where I found some water cached near a parked RV. While sitting there two men exited the RV and begun to chat me up. They hooked me up with a banana before I thanked them and pushed on.

Less than a mile later I reached the Walker Pass Campground junction where I found another water cache and a crate of food some kind sole had left! I grabbed an apple, orange, some BBQ chips and an oatmeal cream pie before moving on.

I spent the next few hours climbing in elevation until I reached another ridge line that I’d follow for most of my remaining day. I took a break to chat with a hiker I’d met named Barnacle before pushing on.

Nearly 20 miles later I began the steep set of switchbacks that brought me back down to the valley floor. Here I found another well stocked water cache.

Once I’d filled up, I found a suitable camp spot behind a large boulder. The wind was howling, so the boulder helped shelter me from the worst of it. Dinner went down quick, and sleep came quicker.

P.s. Shout out to Jay for sending some love my way! Your continued support and generosity is incredible! Have a blast in the Sierra this weekend man!


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