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PCT Day 192

Bushcamp to Tehachapi

23.5 miles

Sobo mile 2086.1

Total mileage 4738.7

I woke up just before 3am feeling primed to crush the miles between Tehachapi and me. By 3:30am I was hustling down the trail planning out my agenda for town.

By the time the sun had risen I’d hiked nearly half of the miles for the day. From here it would be easy switchbacks leading me down into the Mojave.

When I reached the road, I threw out my thumb and hoped for the best. Gimli joined me on the road shortly after I’d arrived, and ten minutes later we were both in a truck heading towards Tehachapi.

Our driver was nice enough, but his insincere smile and nervous chatter did little to cover the alcohol on his breath. At one point he asked us if we liked to get high…and I got the feeling he wasn’t talking about marijuana…

Anyways, despite the less than ideal driver, we made it safely into town. Gimli and I made a beeline for Red House BBQ. Paige and I ate here on our way north, and it had been incredible! I ordered the pulled chicken plate with a garden salad and sweet potatoes fries.

It was fantastic! An all around terrific meal shared with my new friend.

Satisfies, we headed next door to pickup some snacks from the Circle K. Gimli was getting back on trail, while I was staying the night. Emily, a hiker who was staying with the trail angel, Brenda, I’d coordinated with earlier to spend the night with picked me up. Brenda was kind enough to let Emily use her van while she was at work.

First we swung by the post office, where I grabbed the resupply box Paige had sent me. Thanks Paige! Next, we made a pit stop at Albertsons where I bought some sushi, a full rotisserie chicken, a dozen eggs and a plethora of other snacks to get me through the night. Finally we made our way back to Brenda’s house.

I spent the rest of the evening feasting on all sorts of crap while lounging in Brenda’s awesome movie theatre room!

It was a lazy evening spent fattening up and resting my legs.


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