PCT Day 193

Tehachapi to Tehachapi Mountain’s Cabin

17.4 miles

Sobo mile 2103.6

Total mileage 4756.2

I woke up feeling refreshed from a long night of sleep on the floor of Brenda’s movie theatre room. I wasn’t in a hurry to get back on trail, so I spent my morning catching up on the blog.

For breakfast a whipped up a massive chicken egg and cheese scramble, washed down with a van vanilla chai protein shake, so good! Around 10am, the other hiker staying at Brenda’s, Emily, went to pick up her fiancé and another couple from the trail.

When they returned we all hung out for a bit before I decided it was time to get moving. Emily drove me to the post office first, where I mailed home the micro spikes I’d carried throughout the Sierra. I ended up not needing them, but after how critical they were when I first passed through the Sierra I didn’t mind carrying the extra weight. Chores done, she dropped me off at the trail head and off I went.

It was already past noon, so I planned to just get as far as the water cache atop the Tehachapi Mountains.

I spent most of the day hiking uphill through a windmill farm. It wasn’t too exciting, but it was nice making good time over the easy terrain.

Just before 6pm I reached the cache, where I found its caretakers, Robert and Patti replenishing the water. I was tickled to death that they just so happened to be there, since I’d met them at the same spot 5 months earlier on my way north!

They recognized me immediately, and invited me to spend the night at their cabin a mile or so down the dirt road. I graciously accepted, and found myself chowing down on hot dogs and potato chips thirty minutes later.

It was great catching up with the two of them in their warm cabin. They absolutely love hikers, and make it a priority to ensure their cache is always stocked with fresh water and snacks!

By 8pm I was tucked away upstairs in a comfy bed counting my blessings for all the incredible kindness I’ve encountered on this amazing trail.


3 thoughts on “PCT Day 193”

  1. I LOVE your posts! I am so impressed with how fast you travel and how close you are to the end. I feel I’m right there with you and cheering you on every step of the way. You’re amazing – good luck on your last few miles!

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