PCT Day 195

Hiker Town to Bushcamp

40.4 miles

Sobo mile 2175.4

Total mileage 4828.0

When I woke up in the tiny room atop the tiny bed it took me a moment to remember where I was. It was about 2:30am, but I felt solid so decided to get moving. By 3am I’d left Hiker Town behind and was on my way up into the mountains.

It’s strange hiking such long distances in the dark. It almost feels like I teleport over large swaths of trail since the terrain is often so different when the sun finally rises then it was the day before. This morning was a good example of this. As the sun began to rise I found myself atop a mountain in a forest, but all day yesterday I’d hiked through flat desolate desert. Weird.

As the morning progressed I found myself weaving up and down through mountainous terrain before descending into the more desert like foothills.

When I reached my first water source of the day I decided to pass it up. It was a cistern with a puddle in the bottom, assessable only via a DIY stick, string and pitcher contraption. Too much work in my opinion, so on I went.

From there the trail became a monotonous set of ups and downs along tumbleweed covered hills.

Around 2pm I reached a trickling spring that I was able to fill my bottle at. I’d gone well over 30 miles on one liter of water, so I was relieved to find the spring still flowing.

From there I knocked out the final 10 miles to arrive at the road leading into Green Valley.

I’d considered staying the night at Casa De Luna, a trail angel in town, but was too tired to be bothered with the effort of hitching. Instead, I found a nice flat spot near the trail and crashed.


8 thoughts on “PCT Day 195”

  1. The Amazing Austin. In a few days you’ll be completing your first 5k.
    K as in thousand not k as in kilometer.
    K as in king of the mountain.

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