PCT Day 198

Mill Creek Pickic Area to Little Jimmy Campground

34.8 miles

Sobo mile 2268.7

Total mileage 4921.3

When I woke to my alarm buzzing at 3am I’d be lying if I told you I was pleased with the idea of getting up. Regardless, I got my things together, tore down my tent and wandered off into the night.

In darkness I ascended the mountain to the south of Mill Creek Summit, up into the Angeles National Forest. As the sun rose I rested near the spring where I’d first met Paige nearly six months earlier. So much has changed since then.

Pushing on, the trail wrapped around rolling mountains, passing by Sulfur Springs Camp, and then Glen Camp shortly after.

From there the trail cris crossed over the Highway 2 five or six times for the next ten miles.

Out of nowhere my right leg began bugging me as I hiked. It felt like a shin split, and only hurt on downhills. Luckily camp wasn’t too much further, so hopefully it’ll feel better tomorrow.

After passing Islip Saddle I saw a small black bear run off into the woods as I ascended towards my home for the night, Little Jimmy Campground. Hopefully he doesn’t stick around, because I’m camping in just a couple miles!

Just before reaching camp I ran into the first hiker I’d seen on trail since leaving Hiker Heaven. His name was Thomas, and after chatting for a good bit I learned that he’d hiked the PCT three times! He was a super friendly dude, and was out training for his upcoming Israel trek.

By 3pm I’d reach the campground. I was tempted to go further, but with my leg bothering me I decided to play it safe. I set down my pack before making the short trek down to Little Jimmy Spring to top off my bottles.

When I got back I setup camp before tearing into my food bag. It felt luxurious to have a picnic table to sit on as ate my dinner. By 5pm I was in my tent preparing for bed, but just as I laid down I heard someone walking up. I didn’t bother opening my eyes as they approached, until I heard the word trail magic!

At that I sat up to find a couple standing beside my tent whetting big smiles. It turns out they’d hiked up the trail with packs laden with goodies to handout to hungry hikers! They offered me all sorts of fantastic treats, but since I’d just finished dinner and would be in Wrightwood the following morning for breakfast, I only accepted a beer and some Laffy Taffy.

As I milked my deliciously cold brew, I learned that the hiking duo had hiked large portions of the PCT this summer, and went by the trail name Home Boys. There generosity was incredible, and chatting with them was a terrific way to end a great day.

P.s. Southern California has been oh so good to me! It seems like almost everyday I end up sleeping in a bed or receiving trail magic of some kind. After my brutal mad dash through Washington, Oregon Northern California, it’s been such a treat to slow down and experience the kindness of all these strangers.


10 thoughts on “PCT Day 198”

  1. It’s like the Tour de France – people will be hanging out at road crossings to catch a glimpse and/or offer up magic.

  2. Your days continue to impress me with the photos and your positive outlook. Sure hope that leg calms down. I know your body must be screaming at you but it’s only dreaming of a long chill weekend and lots of brew.

    Anxious to see you complete this but really hate losing my favorite blog hiking this season.

    • Thanks Judy! My leg was back to normal as I made my way down to Wrightwood this morning. Thanks goodness!

      Currently enjoying grub and brew in town. Not a bad place to be! Cheers!

  3. Hey, I know you’re trying to finish this thing up, but if you want to take a day off at the beach this weekend, the annual Surf City airshow is in town. As an added bonus, the beach is expected to be in the mid-80s Fri/Sat – that will put the P in party.

    Each years alternates between the BAs and T-Birds – this year is USAF. You might be burned out on airshows, but the HB version is pretty unique. It’s got 30+ miles visibility over the ocean/beach, so you can see the entire routine. Since they have so much free way space, it seems they flyer lower & faster than over venues.

    They were just down practicing at 1pm. They are literally flying at under 400 meters right under mach 1. If you’re positioned where they make their turns, you can actually feel the jet wash.

    IG is already up – people were simply stopping along the PCH to watch the prelims. Something to consider since you have this sucker sewed up.


    • Hey Hobbes, that sounds awesome but I’ve got to get this trail wrapped up. Thanks for the recommendation though!

  4. Man, the weather! You’re a lucky dude to have this type of weather out there. But… you deserve it!
    Enjoy the rest of your trip now that the end is near… or maybe you’ll turn arround at the Southern terminus and walk up to Canada again? A yo-yo-yo? 😉 All the best!
    – Sasquatch

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