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PCT Day 199

Little Jimmy Campground to Wrightwood

23.1 miles (2.7 off trail miles)

Sobo mile 2289.9

Total mileage 4942.5

I overslept! When I woke up I was shocked to find I’d slept through my alarm. This was unusual for me…anyways, it was a bit past 4am when I finally got moving. No worries though, I didn’t have far to go until town, and I had every intention on making it to Wrightwood for breakfast!

A couple hours later I was sitting atop Mount Baden-Powell soaking in an epic sunrise. It was windy as hell, absolutely frigid and totally worth it.

From there I hustled down the miles of switchbacks until reaching Vincent Gap, where the trail headed straight back up.

An hour later I passed by Grassy Hollow Visitor Center before crossing Highway 2 at Inspiration Point.

From there I polished off the final 6 miles to the Acorn Trail junction, which led me down into the town of Wrightwood. By 10am I was perched on a stool at the Evergreen Cafe tearing into the Kitchen Sink Omelette I’d ordered.

Absolutely stuffed with eggs, potatoes and coffee, I headed over to Mountain Hardware to pickup the resupply box Paige had sent me. Mission accomplished, I swung by the grocery store to grab a few extra items before getting my food bag organized out front.

Chores done, I cruised over to the local tavern, The Yodeler, to hangout until Sue got off work. I stayed with Sue and Mike on my way north. They were incredible hosts, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing them again. To help kill time I enjoyed the Oak & Hollow Wild Ale and Pumpkin Imperial Porter by Epic Breweing, along with a half dozen wings. That Pumpkin Porter would had been incredible with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream…just saying.

Around 3:15pm Sue picked me up and back to her house we went. When we arrived I met one of her sons, his wife and their two adorable children. We spent the afternoon catching each other up on life since I’d been here last. Around 5pm her son and his family left, and shortly after Mike, Sue’s husband, arrived.

For dinner Sue prepared an incredible meal of steak, baked potatoes, salad and broccoli.

It had to of been one of the best meal I’ve had on trail! Thank you so much for the incredible hospitality guys!

After dinner we chatted for a bit before I had to retire to the guest room to pass out. With a delicious meal in my belly and soft bed to sleep on, I passed out in moments.

P.s. Shout out to my homie Summer for sending me a box filled with my favorite protein bars! I’ll be chomping down on these guys all the way to the terminus!


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