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PCT Day 204

Bushcamp to Bushcamp

40.8 miles

Sobo mile 2462.1

Total mileage 5114.7

By 3:30am I was on trail making my way down Mission Creek Canyon towards the Whitewater Preserve.

The sun rose just as I crested a ridge to join the Whitewater River below.

Do you see that cloud capped mountain off in the distance? By the end of the day I’ll be on top of it!

From the river I made my way up and over a few mountains before plummeting down through the Mesa Windfarm and under the I10.

I passed by the tiny community of Snow Creek before following a windy asphalt road up towards Fuller Ridge.

I stopped at the trailhead to chug some water at the spigot. Ahead of me lay the largest climb on the PCT. Over the next 19 miles I’d climb approximately 7800 ft…should be fun.

The climb was brutal. It was over 90 degrees out as I made my way up the endless sets of exposed switchbacks.

There wouldn’t be any water sources until I reached the top. I’d only brought one liter of water to sustain me during the climb, I made it work, but it wasn’t fun.

By 6pm I reached the established campground atop the mountain. I was hoping there’d be some water cached there, but alas there was not. I considered humping it to the next water source five miles up trail, but after 40 miles I wasn’t trying to hike any further. I ate a quick dinner and I passed out thirsty.


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