PCT Day 207

Warner Springs to Bushcamp

34.0 miles

Sobo mile 2577.1

Total mileage 5229.7

I slept in till 5am on the floor of the Warner Springs Community Center. I needed the extra sleep, since I hadn’t gone to bed until 10pm the night before. I took my time packing up before finally hitting the trail by 6am.

It wasn’t long before the sun began to illuminate the rolling meadows I hiked through, making it easier to dodge the giant cow pies littering the trail.

Around 7:30am I passed Eagle Rock, which really does look like bird doesn’t it?

Pushing on, I began my ascent up into the foothills of the Anza-Borrego Desert State Wilderness Park.

The winding switchbacks eventually led me to a water cache, where I found Gimili hiding out from the sun.

After chugging a couple liters we headed on together, making our way down the 15 miles of seemingly endless exposed desert mountain ridge line. It was nice having someone to chat with while hiking. I hadn’t actually hiked with anyone since Oregon.

A bit past 5pm we finally made it down the mountain. Sun toasted and thirsty, I relaxed beneath the underpass at Scissors Crossing for a bit. There I found a well stocked water cache, a bag of grapes, candy and another hiker named The King.

By 6pm I said farewell before pushing on another 2 miles to my campground for the night.

Sitting in my tent I watched a bit of Joe Rogan’s new stand up special while munching down dinner before hitting the hay.

P.s. Only 74 miles to go!!!

4 thoughts on “PCT Day 207”

  1. I feel like I am on the last few pages of a book and I am already starting to morn the end. I have completely enjoyed your adventure. I am planning on hiking the pct in a few years with my daughter and we love looking at your pictures. What an amazing adventure you have had.

  2. Can’t believe it’s over🤨
    However will you pass the time till Antarctica?
    Your grandfather is good to go 🤗
    Again well done and you have become an incredible writer.
    I remember that bird rock going north. Amazing. Lv u G

  3. Amazing feat! So wish I could be there for the end of trail fam reunion 😍 Can’t wait to see u and hear your adventures in person😘 These photos are awesome & Love you… Vaya con Dios🙏😘

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