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PCT Day 24

Little Jimmy Campground to Bushcamp

10.3 miles

Mile 394.2

I woke up at 6 pleased to find that the freezing wind hadn’t kept me from a sound night of sleep. I grabbed my breakfast and exited my tent in favor of the nearby picnic table. While gaining my bearings I noticed two tents that hadn’t been there the previous evening. KP and Stretch must have made it to camp sometime during the night.

Shortly after I had created my breakfast cocktail KP rolled up to the picnic table. After congratulating him for catching up to Diva and I so quickly, I asked him how he liked his new shoes. At this his eyes went wild as he explained that he had been sent the wrong sized shoes. To make matters worse, the headphones he had ordered didn’t work with his phone. Two devastating blows!

He was forced to return the shoes and reorder a pair to the next community we’d pass, Acton. His current pair were in tatters, boasting less tread than a pair of bowling shoes along with multiple holes. He did his best to bandage their wounds with shoe glue and tenacious tape, but it was bad.

Stretch had better luck, having received his new shoes successfully he’d left town around noon. Both KP and Stretch had walked into the night, climbing Baden Powell in darkness while being pummeled by cold winds. They didn’t get to camp until after 10.

Despite the unfortunate luck and long day, both were in good spirits and I was pleased to have the crew back together.

When Diva approached the table we were at I was alarmed by his terribly swollen face.

He said he hadn’t slept well, but other than that he felt fine. Throughout the next hour the swelling receded, allowing is face to return to its normal form. We’re unsure if it was the elevation, dehydration or something he ate…

By 8 it was still below freezing, causing us to move slower than usual. There was a campground in 12 and 24 miles, so we figured we’d see how we felt once we reached the first one. Plan set, KP, Diva and I left camp while Stretch was still packing. He didn’t want us to wait, preferring to catch us.

The day started with a short descent, followed by a solid climb. At the top if the ascent I had finally warmed up enough to strip off my base layers. I laid out my undershirt to let the sweat dry, only to find it frozen when I tried to repack it. Super.

Moving on, we reach Eagles Roost Picnic Area in short time. We found a nice table to goof off at while enjoying second breakfast.

The next 4 miles of trail was closed due to an endangered species of frog that inhabited the area, so we took a detour that involved some road walking. After rejoining the trail, we were pleased to be waking near a incredible creek.

It’s water tasted fantastic, no need to filter. As we sat there soaking up the incredible spot Stretch came waking up with a surprised look on his face. Apparently he had taken a wrong turn and gotten lost, while trying to get back to the trail he stumbled upon us. The trail provides!

We spent some time enjoying the beautiful spot before pushing on to the camp ground just a couple miles ahead.

We never did reach that campground. On our way KP spotted an awesome bushcamp through the trees. Right off trail we discovered a large flat space just feet from the creek with a nice fire ring and a stack of wood just begging us to burn it.

Around 1, we had only walked 10 miles, but we all agreed we’d be crazy to pass up such a rad spot.

We established camp and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around the creek.

Once it began to cool down we retreated to the fire ring where Stretch had built a excellent fire. Here we ate dinner mesmerized by the dancing flames.

P.s. This was the first day that I didn’t reach the arbitrary mileage goal that I had set for myself, and I’m totally cool with it. I get too wrapped up in getting to this campground or that town that I miss awesome places like this along the way.


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