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PCT Day 25

Bushcamp to Mill Creek Picnic Area

24.4 miles

Mile 418.6

Best night of sleep yet! It’s amazing what 12 hours of rest can do to the body. I exited my tent pleased to find KP had started a small breakfast fire. It was still chilly, so the warmth felt great.

Due to our short day yesterday we planned a bigger day, shooting for the fire station 25 miles away. The location promised picnic tables, water and a pit toilet, so I was stoked.

Shortly after setting out we passed the large campground we had originally planned on crashing at the night before. It was packed with weekenders, one family was even singing…too early for that y’all. Anyways, it’s safe to say we made the right choice not staying there.

Moving on, we had a pleasant 4 mile ascent.

When we stopped at this road junction for a stretch sesh, I lost control of my bag of trail mix and watched in horror as my hand crafted mix cascaded to the ground. Fortunately, I was able to salvage a portion, so not all was lost!

From there we pushed on towards Fountain Spring some 10 miles off.

Then we reached the 400 mile marker! Wooot!

Next we passed Camp Glenwood, a private cabin for adventurous dads.

Moving on, the day grew hot, but the trail was easy so life was good.

The views from the top of our climb were solid. I finally had service, so I took advantage of it by calling my mom!

After a 6 mile descent my knees were feeling it, so it was a good thing we’d reached our destination. We chilled on a picnic table adjacent the fire station while contemplating where we should camp.

We were beat from the long hot day, craving beer and pizza. The torture continued when we discovered a few empty pizza boxes in the trash…clearly they delivered up here, but none of us had a signal for our phones.

There was room enough for four tents around the pit toilet, but it was exposed and rocky. Too discouraged to search for better real estate, I set about pitching my tent behind the pit toilet while the boys heated their dinners inside to escape the wind.

Halfway through inflating my sleeping pad I heard a commotion coming from the parking lot. Worried a ranger had come to chase us off, I rounded the corner sheepishly to find a dude handing out beers to the boys! JP was his name, and trail magic was his game!

He’d brought us a six pack, root beer, strawberries, blackberries and a box of Oreos! Just like that our evening was made! But wait, it gets better…

He offered to drive one us to the nearby town of Acton to grab some pizza! Crazy right??? So KP and Stretch hopped in and were off to get the goodies, leaving me to tear down my recently erected tent to migrate to a picnic area nearby that JP recommended.

Shortly after Diva and I had made ourselves at home in the new picnic area KP and Stretch returned with two large beautiful pizzas.

Two other hikers, Spikes from the Bay Area and Mike from London joined us at a picnic table to enjoy the feast.

The setting sun provided our nightly entertainment as we made quick work of the pies. I fell asleep with a full stomach reflecting on how again and again the trail provides.

P.s. Food is a hot topic on the trail. It’s said that thru hiking is 70% eating, 30% walking…but who knows.

Anyways, being that I’m stoveless I thought I’d share what my daily intake looks like.

Breakfast: two packets of Starbucks Via and a Nestles chocolate breakfast essential mixed with half a liter of water in a Smart water bottle.

Lunch: two protein bars (Cliff Builder, Pure Protein and Quest are my favorite) throughout the day while hiking and trail mix when resting.

Dinner: tuna packet (sweet and spicy flavor is dope) Complete Protein Cookie (snickerdoodle is the best) Snickers, chunky peanut butter with banana chips and dried pineapple, summer sausage, block of parmesan, peanut butter pretzels and another Snickers.


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